Raja HarpalSingh Govt. College Harpalpur, Chhatarpur ( M.P.)

“Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly” With this belief, a set of guidelines in the form of rules and regulations are framed for the students, which are followed by them religiously and adopted as their way of life. These guidelines act as the refining fires helping the students to emerge as confident, promising and polished individuals.

Code of Conduct for the Students.

➢ Every student must carry his/her identity card while being present on the College Premises. 

➢ Every student is expected to maintain the general cleanliness within the classrooms, laboratories and the campus in general. 

➢ Every student will remain answerable to the college authority for his/her activity and conduct on the College Premises. 

➢ Any act which obstructs teaching, research, administrative activity and other proceedings of the college is strictly prohibited. 

➢ Chewing paan, paan-masala, gutka or any other tobacco products, smoking or consumption of any other intoxicating products is strictly prohibited. 

➢ Playing cards, spitting and loitering are strictly prohibited inside the college & hostel campus and shall invite severe punishment/disciplinary action. 

➢ Use of Cell phones is strictly prohibited during class hour. 

➢ Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property of the College, or property of a member of the College community, or other personal or public property, on or off campus will be considered as a punishable act. 

➢ During leisure hours, students are advised to use the library as maximum as possible. 

➢ Students should handle the college properties with care. Damage to the furniture or any other materials may lead to penalty or suspension from the college. 

➢ Indulging ragging, anti-institutional, anti-national, antisocial, communal, immoral or political expressions and activities within the Campus are strongly prohibited as well as punishable. 

➢ Without the permission of the Principal, Students are not allowed to circulate any printed materials within the college campus. 

➢ Latecomers will not be entertained to enter into the classroom. 

➢ A student should maintain at least 75% attendance in the Lectures of every subject and 100% overall performance. Otherwise, he or she will be debarred from the University Examination. 

➢ Students are required to check the Notice Board and also website of the college for important announcements.

Code Of Conduct For The Principal. 

➢ The Principal should ensure quality in education and academic activities. 

➢ The Principal should chalk out policy and plan to execute the vision and mission of the college. 

➢ The Principal should form various college level committees and appoint coordinators. 

➢ The Principal should convene meetings of different Cells as and when required. 

➢ The Principal should monitor financial matters efficiently. 

➢ The Principal should motivate Teaching Faculty to enhance their knowledge by attending various trainings. 

➢ The Principal should ensure that the directions issued by the Department of Higher Education M.P. , Bhopal are strictly complied with. 

Code Of Conduct For The Administrative Staff. 

➢ Administrative staff should look after student’s admission and examination. 

➢ Administrative staff should be well versed in e- administration. 

➢ Administrative staff should behave politely and compassionately with parents/guardians/Students . 

➢ Administrative staff should develop co-operative and friendly relationship with Teaching faculty members. 

➢ Administrative staff should perform all professional activities through proper channels. 

➢ Administrative staff should not involve in unethical practices. 

➢ Administrative staff should not remain absent from duties without prior permission.

➢ Administrative staff should not engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business.

Code Of Conduct Of Teaching Faculty. 

The contribution of faculty members is expected to be more by way of research, extension activities apart from their regular academic and teaching activities. The following duties and responsibilities of all faculty members have been framed.
➢ All Faculty members of the College are responsible for contribution and sustenance of the standards of the College.

➢They should comply with the relevant policies, rules, regulations, norms and standards set by the College, University, State/Central Govt. and/or any statutory body.

➢ Every individual member is accountable for his/her action, as member of the College community they are collectively accountable for upholding those standards of behavior.

➢ As far as possible a faculty member should not miss the scheduled class and only under unavoidable circumstances alternative arrangement can be made.

➢ A faculty member shall be punctual in attending class and leave the class room after his/her class is over only after the arrival of the faculty for the next period or instruct the students to go to the laboratory/ workshop for practical classes, as the case may be.
➢ The faculty member shall carry out any other academic related activity that may be assigned to him by the HOD/Higher Authorities from time to time.

➢ As research is an inherent component of the functions of a College, every faculty member shall take active efforts to make research contributions in his/her field of specialization.

➢ Active involvement of the faculty member in the student’s project work is very essential.

➢ If the student’s project work is industry related, the faculty member shall visit the industry to know the problem in its perspective so that he/she can guide effectively. In fact, this will help to develop contact with the industry.

➢ Faculty members should strive to bring out quality research publications in refereed journals of national & international importance.

➢ Faculty member should also present papers in International/National level conferences, but the impact they command compared to publications in refereed journals is considered much less.

➢ Faculty members should take efforts to secure consultancy works in his/her area of specialization from industries and business, Govt. and any other

Code Of Conduct Of Office Employees. 

➢ All staff members of the College are required to be present in the College during working hours on all working days and days specifically notified.

➢ All members of staff are governed by the general duties and responsibilities prescribed for each category of employees. 

➢ Conduct the College’s transaction with utmost honesty, accuracy and fairness. 

➢ Perform all professional activities through proper channel. 

➢ Do not discuss with unauthorized individuals about professional and secret information. 

➢ Co-operate whole heartedly with the authorities of the College with professional responsibilities. 

➢ Avoid condemnation of authorities, behaviour through anonymous communication to outsiders/newspapers and also conversational conflicts which harm the dignity of the College

➢ Avoid all types of unethical practices. 

➢ Adhere all norms and standards set by the College from time to time. 

➢ Do not indulge in any political election/Dharna/ Boycott etc. 

➢ Employees/workers of the College shall not indulge in any adverse criticism of the College and its officers. 

➢ Employees/workers shall not use any intoxicating drug or liquor during the duty hours and in the premises. 

➢ Employees/workers should not use cell phone during class hours, meetings etc. 

➢ Employees/workers shall devote his/her whole duty time to the service of the College and shall not engage directly or indirectly on any other private work/business. 

➢ Notwithstanding the rules and regulations and code of conduct specified in this document, all Staff members should follow the various rules and regulations, instructions issued by the competent authorities from time to time. 

➢ In case of any misinterpretation / wrong interpretation of any of the rules and conditions specified in the service rules, the Principal is the final authority to decide.