Best Practices

Raja Harpalsingh Govt. College , Harpalpur follows the following two best practices.

  1. Social Commitment and community outreach.

  2. Skill Development Program

Best Practice – 1

Social commitment and community outreach

Objective of the Best Practices

This practice  aims to foster the spirit of social service in our students so that they learn to recognize it as a larger conditioning framework of their education.

We aim to generate awareness amongst students towards existing social disparities in income , education, health and nutrition; and to instil compassion and empathy in the minds of youth towards the needs of the under privileged sections of the society.

Education without social commitment is incomplete. We work for the betterment of marginalized section of the society and help them through various outreach programs.

The Context

Social in equities and lack of opportunities characterize the lives of people from low socio- economic background, be it the lack of sustainable livelihood or educational opportunities, or be it the low access to healthcare and hygiene. Education, however, is the only leveler of such disparities. Education system in India can bridge these gaps by creating awareness among the youth of the nation.

Raja Harpalsingh Govt. College  Harpalpur  imparts a holistic education with the aim of sharpening the social sensibilities of the students. Several committees and societies in the college develop a comprehensive action-plan to address social issues in the long run. Students at Raja Harpalsingh Singh Govt. College Harpalpur  are involved in the execution of these plans andare offered several opportunities to engage in community service empathetically.

The Practice

The college creates a synergy between its community work and outreach platforms such as the NSS N.C.C. ,  the Eco-Club, and the Alumni Association, thereby creating a multivalent and mutually renewing forum for meaningful dialogues, actions, and interactions. Shivaji College organizes programs to sensitize youth towards the needs of the under-privileged.

  1. Roko Toko Abhiyan :- In order to make the people of Harpalpur city aware of the second wave of corona virus and to make people to wear masks, the students of  Raja Harpalsingh Government College, Harpalpur were organized  a Awarence Programm on 23 March 2021 . Under the leadership of the.Principal of the college Prof. Devendra Singh Parihar and the local police station  Incharge Mr. Yakub Khan . In which the students distributed free masks to the people and also advised them to wear masks while making people aware of Corona.
  2. Blood Donation Camp:-  On the foundation day of NCC, a blood donation camp was organized by the NCC Boys Unit of the college at the local health center. n this camp, 25 cadets of 5 senior wings donated blood, as well as made people aware of blood donation and tried to convince people that blood donation can save everyone’s life.
  3. Village Adoption:- One village is adopted every year by the NSS Boys Unit of the college. A seven-day residential camp is organized by volunteer students of NSS in the adopted village. In these seven days, many awareness campaigns are conducted by the students in the village such as girls education, cleanliness awareness, family planning, awareness about the ill effects of alcohol consumption, etc. Apart from the above activities, efforts are made by the students with the local villagers to understand the local problems and find solutions to them as far as possible.
  4. Swachhta Abhiyan:- To realize the cleanliness campaign of the Government of India and to connect the local people with the campaign, a cleanliness campaign was launched by the NCC Girls Unit of the college. A cleanliness drive was organized by the students of the college at the local railway station, in which the local people also participated enthusiastically.
  5. Voter Awareness Campaign:- To make the local people aware of voting so that they can use their vote without any fear, temptation, discrimination, for this, the college students have made people aware of the cycle rally or foot rally before the election  goes. In order to understand the process of voting as new voters by the college management, with the help of local revenue officer, electronic voting machines are brought to the college and students are demonstrated the working of the voting machine and the process of voting.
  6. Corona awareness in social media platform:- To make the people of the city Harpalpur aware of the corona virus, a campaign was launched in the social media by the English department of the college with the help of the students. In this campaign faculty members of the college and about 100 students shared the poster of Corona awareness campaign on their mobile WhatsApp status, which was seen by most of the citizens of the city. This campaign was a unique initiative in itself, in which there was no expenditure of any kind and whose reach was up to the common man.

Evidence of Success

  • Due to the girl education campaign run by the students, the surrounding villagers now send the girls to college for higher education instead of marrying them early. Due to this the enrollment percentage of rural girl students in the college is increasing every year.
  • Due to the overwhelming support of the local people to the Roko Toko campaign run by the students of the college, in Harpalpur city, covid 19 awareness campaigns were also run by many government and non-government organizations.
  • The increase in the voting percentage in the local elections certainly proves the success of the voting awareness campaign.
  • He publication of the news of the blood donation camp prominently by the local journalists proves to connect this campaign with the people. Which will motivate people to donate blood.

Problems Encountered

  • In the local rural area, marriage of girls at a young age is prevalent, so it is very difficult task to motivate the villagers for higher education of the girls.
  • With most of the villagers being illiterate, it is difficult to explain the ill-effects of drinking alcohol to the villagers.
  • The academic calendar of the students is also affected due to the 7 day residential camp. Because of this many students are not interested in joining the camp.
  • The academic calendar of the students is also affected due to the 7 day residential camp. Because of this many students are not interested in joining the camp.

Best Practice – 2

Skill Development Program 

Objectives of the Practice

  • To prepare the college students according to the need of the market.
  • Providing employment opportunities to students.

  • To make students aware of employment oriented courses along with traditional courses.

  • Making rural girl students self-reliant with the help of employment oriented courses.

  • To develop skills among students at an affordable fee as compared to private educational institutions.

The Context

The way employment opportunities have been reduced in the present times and a sense of competition has arisen in employment generation. Therefore, the traditional courses conducted in the college are not sufficient to meet the needs of the students. here for, the operation of employment-oriented courses by the college management has been started from the session 2021-22.

The Practice

Management of college has started operation of 5 job oriented courses through internal quality assurance cell and besides this skill development of students is also being done with the help of Swami Vivekananda Employment Guidance Scheme, Higher Education Department, Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal. the details of which are given below.

  1. Beautician Course:- To create employment opportunities for the girl students of the college and to improve their economic and social status through employment, the Swami Vivekananda Career Guidance Cell of the college conducted a 30-day beautician course for the girl students in the college by the grant received from S.V.N.C.G.S. This was done so that the college girls were given training in beautician and causmatic material. The whole purpose of the training is to make the girl students of rural immovable self-reliant by giving them employment training.

  2. Short Term Online Training :- An online short term training program was organized by the college in collaboration with SVNCGS funded organization RCVP Administrative Academy, Naronha, Bhopal, in which 14 students of the college were registered. The students received training in online banking and finance, food processing and packing, advertising and marketing. After the training, the college management invited the local bank managers to the college and made the students aware of the banking loan process to establish self employment.
  3. Vocational Courses :- To make the students aware of employment oriented courses by the college management, the operation of vocational courses has been started from the session- 21-22. In which courses like PGDCA, DCA, Beautician, Environmental Disaster Management, Fire Safety Management etc. have been started for the students. Since most of the students studying in the college come from economically backward areas, the fees of these courses have been kept low by the college management as compared to other institutions so that the financial burden of the students can be reduced.

Evidence of Success

  • After the training of the beautician course, the confidence of the girl students of the college has improved, which proves that the training is achieving its objective.
  • After online training, many students have become aware of their own business. And two students have also started their own business.

Problems Encountered

  • Arranging a good trainer at the local level for training is a difficult task. Working in limited funds is also a challenge.
  • All the trainings are conducted after the regular time table of the college. The college is located in such a place where there is a lack of means of transport, due to which the interest of the students of the college remains less in the training.

  • Apart from the teaching work, the regular faculty in the college has to do other administrative work, due to this, monitoring the training is also a challenging task.